Resource Limits

Familiarity with Slurm's Accounting web page is strongly recommended before use of this document.


Slurm's hierarchical limits are enforced in the following order with Job QOS and Partition QOS order being reversible by using the QOS flag 'OverPartQOS':

  1. Partition QOS limit
  2. Job QOS limit
  3. User association
  4. Account association(s), ascending the hierarchy
  5. Root/Cluster association
  6. Partition limit
  7. None

Note: If limits are defined at multiple points in this hierarchy, the point in this list where the limit is first defined will be used.
Consider the following example:

  • MaxJobs=20 and MaxSubmitJobs is undefined in the partition QOS
    MaxJobs = 20であり、MaxSubmitJobsがパーティションQOSで定義されていません
  • No limits are set in the job QOS and
  • MaxJobs=4 and MaxSubmitJobs=50 in the user association
    ユーザーアソシエーションのMaxJobs = 4およびMaxSubmitJobs = 50

The limits in effect will be MaxJobs=20 and MaxSubmitJobs=50.
有効な制限は、MaxJobs = 20およびMaxSubmitJobs = 50になります。

Note: The precedence order specified above is respected except for the following limits: Max[Time|Wall], [Min|Max]Nodes.
注:次の制限を除いて、上記で指定された優先順位が尊重されます:Max [Time | Wall]、[Min | Max] Nodes。
For these limits, even if the job is enforced with QOS and/or Association limits, it can't go over the limit imposed at Partition level, even if it listed at the bottom.
So the default for these 3 types of limits is that they are upper bound by the Partition one.
This Partition level bound can be ignored if the respective QOS PartitionTimeLimit and/or Partition[Max|Min]Nodes flags are set, then the job would be enforced the limits imposed at QOS and/or association level respecting the order above.
それぞれのQOSPartitionTimeLimitおよび/またはPartition [Max | Min] Nodesフラグが設定されている場合、このパーティションレベルの境界は無視できます。その場合、ジョブは、上記の順序に関してQOSおよび/またはアソシエーションレベルで課される制限を適用されます。


Scheduling policy information must be stored in a database as specified by the AccountingStorageType configuration parameter in the slurm.conf configuration file.
Information can be recorded in a MySQL or MariaDB database.
For security and performance reasons, the use of SlurmDBD (Slurm Database Daemon) as a front-end to the database is strongly recommended.
セキュリティとパフォーマンスの理由から、データベースのフロントエンドとしてSlurmDBD(Slurm Database Daemon)を使用することを強くお勧めします。
SlurmDBD uses a Slurm authentication plugin (e.g. MUNGE).
SlurmDBD also uses an existing Slurm accounting storage plugin to maximize code reuse.
SlurmDBD uses data caching and prioritization of pending requests in order to optimize performance.
While SlurmDBD relies upon existing Slurm plugins for authentication and database use, the other Slurm commands and daemons are not required on the host where SlurmDBD is installed.
Only the slurmdbd and slurm-plugins RPMs are required for SlurmDBD execution.

Both accounting and scheduling policies are configured based upon an association.
An association is a 4-tuple consisting of the cluster name, bank account, user and (optionally) the Slurm partition.
In order to enforce scheduling policy, set the value of AccountingStorageEnforce.
This option contains a comma separated list of options you may want to enforce.
The valid options are:

  • associations - This will prevent users from running jobs if their association is not in the database.
    This option will prevent users from accessing invalid accounts.
  • limits - This will enforce limits set to associations.
    By setting this option, the 'associations' option is also set.
  • qos - This will require all jobs to specify (either overtly or by default) a valid qos (Quality of Service).
    QOS values are defined for each association in the database.
    By setting this option, the 'associations' option is also set.
  • safe - This will ensure a job will only be launched when using an association or qos that has a GrpTRESMins limit set if the job will be able to run to completion.
    Without this option set, jobs will be launched as long as their usage hasn't reached the cpu-minutes limit which can lead to jobs being launched but then killed when the limit is reached.
    By setting this option, both the 'associations' option and the 'limits' option are set automatically.
  • wckeys - This will prevent users from running jobs under a wckey that they don't have access to.
    By using this option, the 'associations' option is also set.
    The 'TrackWCKey' option is also set to true.

NOTE: The association is a combination of cluster, account, user names and optional partition name.

Without AccountingStorageEnforce being set (the default behavior) jobs will be executed based upon policies configured in Slurm on each cluster.


The tool used to manage accounting policy is sacctmgr.
It can be used to create and delete cluster, user, bank account, and partition records plus their combined association record.
See man sacctmgr for details on this tools and examples of its use.

Changes made to the scheduling policy are uploaded to the Slurm control daemons on the various clusters and take effect immediately.
When an association is deleted, all running or pending jobs which belong to that association are immediately canceled.
When limits are lowered, running jobs will not be canceled to satisfy the new limits, but the new lower limits will be enforced.

Limits in both Associations and QOS

When dealing with Associations, most of these limits are available not only for a user association, but also for each cluster and account.
If a new association is created for some user and a scheduling policy option is not specified the default will be: the option for the cluster/account pair, and if both are not specified then the option for the cluster, and if that also is not specified then no limit will apply.

NOTE: Unless noted, if a job request breaches a given limit the job will pend unless the job's QOS has the DenyOnLimit flag set, which will cause the job to be denied at submission.
When Grp limits are considered with respect to this flag the Grp limit is treated as a Max limit.

NOTE: When modifying a TRES field with sacctmgr, one must specify which TRES to modify (see TRES for complete list) as in the following examples:

  sacctmgr modify user bob set GrpTRES=cpu=1500,mem=200,gres/gpu=50
  sacctmgr modify user bob set GrpTRES=cpu=-1,mem=-1,gres/gpu=-1

  • GrpTRESMins= The total number of TRES minutes that can possibly be used by past, present and future jobs running from an association and its children or QOS.
    GrpTRESMins =アソシエーションとその子またはQOSから実行されている過去、現在、および将来のジョブで使用できる可能性のあるTRES分の合計数。
    If this limit is reached all jobs running in this group will be killed, and no new jobs will be allowed to run.
    This usage is decayed (at a rate of PriorityDecayHalfLife).
    It can also be reset (according to PriorityUsageResetPeriod) in order to allow jobs to run against the association tree or QOS again.
    QOS that have the NoDecay flag set do not decay GrpTRESMins, see QOS Options for details.
    This limit only applies when using the Priority Multifactor plugin.
  • GrpTRESRunMins= Used to limit the combined total number of TRES minutes used by all jobs running with an association and its children or QOS.
    GrpTRESRunMins =アソシエーションとその子またはQOSで実行されているすべてのジョブによって使用されるTRES分の合計数を制限するために使用されます。
    This takes into consideration time limit of running jobs and consumes it, if the limit is reached no new jobs are started until other jobs finish to allow time to free up.
  • GrpTRES= The total count of TRES able to be used at any given time from jobs running from an association and its children or QOS.
    GrpTRES =アソシエーションとその子またはQOSから実行されているジョブからいつでも使用できるTRESの総数。
    If this limit is reached new jobs will be queued but only allowed to run after resources have been relinquished from this group.
  • GrpJobs= The total number of jobs able to run at any given time from an association and its children QOS.
    GrpJobs =アソシエーションとその子QOSから任意の時点で実行できるジョブの総数。
    If this limit is reached new jobs will be queued but only allowed to run after previous jobs complete from this group.
  • GrpJobsAccrue= The total number of pending jobs able to accrue age priority at any given time from an association and its children QOS.
    GrpJobsAccrue =アソシエーションとその子QOSから任意の時点で年齢優先度を獲得できる保留中のジョブの総数。
    If this limit is reached new jobs will be queued but not accrue age priority until after previous jobs are removed from pending in this group.
    This limit does not determine if the job can run or not, it only limits the age factor of the priority.
  • GrpSubmitJobs= The total number of jobs able to be submitted to the system at any given time from an association and its children or QOS.
    GrpSubmitJobs =アソシエーションとその子またはQOSから任意の時点でシステムに送信できるジョブの総数。
    If this limit is reached new submission requests will be denied until previous jobs complete from this group.
  • GrpWall= The maximum wall clock time any job submitted to this group can run for.
    GrpWall =このグループに送信されたジョブを実行できる最大実時間。
    If this limit is reached submission requests will be denied.
    This usage is decayed (at a rate of PriorityDecayHalfLife).
    It can also be reset (according to PriorityUsageResetPeriod) in order to allow jobs to run against the association tree or QOS again.
    QOS that have the NoDecay flag set do not decay GrpWall.
    See QOS Options for details.
  • MaxTRESMinsPerJob= A limit of TRES minutes to be used by a job.
    MaxTRESMinsPerJob =ジョブで使用されるTRES分の制限。
    If this limit is reached the job will be killed if not running in Safe mode, otherwise the job will pend until enough time is given to complete the job.
  • MaxTRESPerJob= The maximum size in TRES any given job can have from the association/QOS.
    MaxTRESPerJob =特定のジョブがアソシエーション/ QOSから持つことができるTRESの最大サイズ。
  • MaxTRESPerNode= The maximum size in TRES each node in a job allocation can use.
    MaxTRESPerNode =ジョブ割り当ての各ノードが使用できるTRESの最大サイズ。
  • MaxWallDurationPerJob= The maximum wall clock time any individual job can run for in the given association/QOS.
    MaxWallDurationPerJob =指定されたアソシエーション/ QOSで個々のジョブを実行できる最大実時間。
    If this limit is reached the job will be denied at submission.
  • MinPrioThreshold= Used to override bf_min_prio_reserve.
    MinPrioThreshold = bf_min_prio_reserveをオーバーライドするために使用されます。
    See bf_min_prio_reserve for details.

Association specific scheduling policies supported


These represent the scheduling policies unique to associations.
Shared policies and limits a QOS has in common are listed above.

  • Fairshare= Integer value used for determining priority.
    Fairshare =優先度の決定に使用される整数値。
    Essentially this is the amount of claim this association and its children have to the above system.
    Can also be the string "parent", when used on a user this means that the parent association is used for fairshare.
    If Fairshare=parent is set on an account, that account's children will be effectively re-parented for fairshare calculations to the first parent of their parent that is not Fairshare=parent.
    Fairshare = parentがアカウントに設定されている場合、そのアカウントの子は、Fairshare = parentではない親の最初の親に対して、フェアシェア計算のために効果的に再ペアレント化されます。
    Limits remain the same, only its fairshare value is affected.
  • MaxJobs= The total number of jobs able to run at any given time for the given association.
    MaxJobs =指定された関連付けに対して任意の時点で実行できるジョブの総数。
    If this limit is reached, new jobs will be queued but only allowed to run after existing jobs in the association complete.
  • MaxJobsAccrue= The maximum number of pending jobs able to accrue age priority at any given time for the given association.
    MaxJobsAccrue =指定されたアソシエーションの任意の時点で年齢優先度を獲得できる保留中のジョブの最大数。
    If this limit is reached, new jobs will be queued but will not accrue age priority until after existing jobs in the association are moved from a pending state.
    This limit does not determine if the job can run, it only limits the age factor of the priority.
  • MaxSubmitJobs= The maximum number of jobs able to be submitted to the system at any given time from the given association.
    MaxSubmitJobs =指定されたアソシエーションから任意の時点でシステムに送信できるジョブの最大数。
    If this limit is reached, new submission requests will be denied until existing jobs in this association complete.
  • QOS= comma separated list of QOS's an association is able to run.
    QOS =アソシエーションが実行できるQOSのコンマ区切りリスト。

QOS specific limits supported

  • MaxJobsAccruePerAccount= The maximum number of pending jobs an account (or subacct) can have accruing age priority at any given time.
    MaxJobsAccruePerAccount =アカウント(またはサブアカウント)が任意の時点で発生年齢の優先順位を持つことができる保留中のジョブの最大数。
    This limit does not determine if the job can run, it only limits the age factor of the priority.
  • MaxJobsAccruePerUser= The maximum number of pending jobs a user can have accruing age priority at any given time.
    MaxJobsAccruePerUser =ユーザーが任意の時点で発生年齢の優先順位を持つことができる保留中のジョブの最大数。
    This limit does not determine if the job can run, it only limits the age factor of the priority.
  • MaxJobsPerAccount= The maximum number of jobs an account (or subaccount) can have running at a given time.
    MaxJobsPerAccount =アカウント(またはサブアカウント)が特定の時間に実行できるジョブの最大数。
  • MaxJobsPerUser= The maximum number of jobs a user can have running at a given time.
    MaxJobsPerUser =ユーザーが特定の時間に実行できるジョブの最大数。
  • MaxSubmitJobsPerAccount= The maximum number of jobs an account (or subaccount) can have running and pending at a given time.
    MaxSubmitJobsPerAccount =アカウント(またはサブアカウント)が特定の時間に実行および保留できるジョブの最大数。
  • MaxSubmitJobsPerUser= The maximum number of jobs a user can have running and pending at a given time.
    MaxSubmitJobsPerUser =特定の時間にユーザーが実行および保留できるジョブの最大数。
  • MaxTRESPerAccount= The maximum number of TRES an account can allocate at a given time.
    MaxTRESPerAccount =アカウントが特定の時間に割り当てることができるTRESの最大数。
  • MaxTRESPerUser= The maximum number of TRES a user can allocate at a given time.
    MaxTRESPerUser =ユーザーが特定の時間に割り当てることができるTRESの最大数。
  • MinTRESPerJob= The minimum size in TRES any given job can have when using the requested QOS.
    MinTRESPerJob =要求されたQOSを使用するときに任意のジョブが持つことができるTRESの最小サイズ。

The MaxNodes and MaxWall options already exist in Slurm's configuration on a per-partition basis, but the above options provide the ability to impose limits on a per-user basis.
The MaxJobs option provides an entirely new mechanism for Slurm to control the workload any individual may place on a cluster in order to achieve some balance between users.

Fair-share scheduling is based upon the hierarchical bank account data maintained in the Slurm database.
More information can be found in the priority/multifactor plugin description.
詳細については、priority / multifactorプラグインの説明を参照してください。

Specific limits over GRES

When a GRES has a type associated with it and a limit is applied over this specific type (e.g. MaxTRESPerUser=gres/gpu:tesla=1) if a user requests a generic gres, the type's limit will not be enforced.
GRESにタイプが関連付けられていて、この特定のタイプに制限が適用されている場合(MaxTRESPerUser = gres / gpu:tesla = 1など)、ユーザーが汎用gresを要求すると、タイプの制限は適用されません。
In this situation an additional lua job submit plugin to check the user request may become useful.
For example, if one requests --gres=gpu:2 having a limit set of MaxTRESPerUser=gres/gpu:tesla=1, the limit won't be enforced so it will still be possible to get two teslas.
たとえば、MaxTRESPerUser = gres / gpu:tesla = 1の制限セットを持つ--gres = gpu:2を要求した場合、制限は適用されないため、2つのテスラを取得することは可能です。

This is due to a design limitation.
The only way to enforce such a limit is to combine the specification of the limit with a job submit plugin that forces the user to always request a specific type model.

An example of basic lua job submit plugin function could be:

function slurm_job_submit(job_desc, part_list, submit_uid)
   if (job_desc.gres ~= nil)
      for g in job_desc.gres:gmatch("[^,]+")
	 bad = string.match(g,'^gpu[:]*[0-9]*$')
	 if (bad ~= nil)
	    slurm.log_info("User specified gpu GRES without type: %s", bad)
	    slurm.user_msg("You must always specify a type when requesting gpu GRES")
	    return slurm.ERROR

Having this script and the limit in place will force the users to always specify a gpu with its type, thus enforcing the limits for each specific model.

It is also advisable to set AccountingStorageTRES for both generic and specific gres types, otherwise requests that ask for generic only gpus won't be accounted for.
Set this for example to:


See Trackable Resources TRES for details.

Last modified 8 April 2020