High Throughput Computing Administration Guide
This document contains Slurm administrator information specifically
for high throughput computing, namely the execution of many short jobs.
Getting optimal performance for high throughput computing does require
some tuning and this document should help you off to a good start.
A working knowledge of Slurm should be considered a prerequisite
for this material.
Performance Results
Slurm has also been validated to execute 500 simple batch jobs per second
on a sustained basis with short bursts of activity at a much higher level.
Actual performance depends upon the jobs to be executed plus the hardware and
configuration used.
System configuration
Several system configuration parameters may require modification to support a large number
of open files and TCP connections with large bursts of messages.
Changes can
be made using the /etc/rc.d/rc.local or /etc/sysctl.conf
script to preserve changes after reboot.
In either case, you can write values
directly into these files
(e.g. "echo 32832 > /proc/sys/fs/file-max").
いずれの場合も、これらのファイルに直接値を書き込むことができます(例:「echo32832> / proc / sys / fs / file-max」)。
- /proc/sys/fs/file-max:
The maximum number of concurrently open files.
/ proc / sys / fs / file-max:同時に開くファイルの最大数。
We recommend a limit of at least 32,832.
少なくとも32,832の制限をお勧めします。 - /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_max_syn_backlog:
The maximum number of SYN requests to keep in memory that we have yet to get
the third packet in a 3-way handshake from.
/ proc / sys / net / ipv4 / tcp_max_syn_backlog:3ウェイハンドシェイクで3番目のパケットをまだ取得していないメモリに保持するSYN要求の最大数。
The default value is 1024 for systems with more than 128Mb of memory, and 128 for low memory machines.
If server suffers of overload, try to increase this number.
サーバーが過負荷になっている場合は、この数を増やしてみてください。 - /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_syncookies:
Used to send out syncookies to hosts when the kernels syn backlog queue
for a specific socket is overflowed.
/ proc / sys / net / ipv4 / tcp_syncookies:特定のソケットのカーネルsynバックログキューがオーバーフローしたときに、syncookieをホストに送信するために使用されます。
The default value is 0, which disables this functionality.
Set the value to 1.
- /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_synack_retries:
How many times to retransmit the SYN,ACK reply to an SYN request.
/ proc / sys / net / ipv4 / tcp_synack_retries:SYN要求にSYN、ACK応答を再送信する回数。
In other words, this tells the system how many times to try to establish a passive TCP connection that was started by another host.
This variable takes an integer value, but should under no circumstances be larger than 255.
Each retransmission will take approximately 30 to 40 seconds.
The default value of 5, which results in a timeout of passive TCP connections of approximately 180 seconds and is generally satisfactory.
- /proc/sys/net/core/somaxconn:
Limit of socket listen() backlog, known in userspace as SOMAXCONN.
/ proc / sys / net / core / somaxconn:ソケットlisten()バックログの制限。ユーザースペースではSOMAXCONNとして知られています。
Defaults to 128.
The value should be raised substantially to support bursts of request.
For example, to support a burst of 1024 requests, set somaxconn to 1024.
たとえば、1024リクエストのバーストをサポートするには、somaxconnを1024に設定します。 - /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_port_range:
Identify the ephermeral ports available, which are used for many Slurm
/ proc / sys / net / ipv4 / ip_local_port_range:多くのSlurm通信に使用される利用可能なエフェメラルポートを特定します。
The value may be raised to support a high volume of communications.
For example, write the value "32768 65535" into the ip_local_port_range file in order to make that range of ports available.
The transmit queue length (txqueuelen) may also need to be modified
using the ifconfig command.
A value of 4096 has been found to work well for one
site with a very large cluster
(e.g. "ifconfig
Munge configuration
By default the Munge daemon runs with two threads, but a higher thread count
can improve its throughput.
We suggest starting the Munge daemon with ten
threads for high throughput support (e.g. "munged --num-threads 10").
User limits
The ulimit values in effect for the slurmctld daemon should
be set quite high for memory size, open file count and stack size.
Slurm Configuration
Several Slurm configuration parameters should be adjusted to
reflect the needs of high throughput computing.
The changes described below
will not be possible in all environments, but these are the configuration
options that you may want to consider for higher throughput.
- AccountingStorageType:
Disabling storing of accounting by using the accounting_storage/none
AccountingStorageType:accounting_storage / noneプラグインを使用してアカウンティングの保存を無効にします。
Turning accounting off provides minimal improvement in performance.
If using the SlurmDBD increased speedup can be achieved by setting the CommitDelay option in the slurmdbd.conf
SlurmDBDを使用する場合は、slurmdbd.confでCommitDelayオプションを設定することで、高速化を実現できます。 - JobAcctGatherType:
Disabling the collection of job accounting information will improve job
Disable collection of accounting by using the jobacct_gather/none plugin.
jobacct_gather / noneプラグインを使用して、アカウンティングの収集を無効にします。 - JobCompType:
Disabling recording of job completion information will improve job
Disable recording of job completion information by using the jobcomp/none plugin.
jobcomp / noneプラグインを使用して、ジョブ完了情報の記録を無効にします。 - MaxJobCount:
Controls how many jobs may be in the slurmctld daemon records at any
point in time (pending, running, suspended or completed[temporarily]).
The default value is 10,000.
デフォルト値は10,000です。 - MessageTimeout:
Controls how long to wait for a response to messages.
The default value is 10 seconds.
While the slurmctld daemon is highly threaded, its responsiveness is load dependent.
This value might need to be increased somewhat.
この値をいくらか増やす必要があるかもしれません。 - MinJobAge:
Controls how soon the record of a completed job can be purged from the
slurmctld memory and thus not visible using the squeue command.
The record of jobs run will be preserved in accounting records and logs.
The default value is 300 seconds.
The value should be reduced to a few seconds if possible.
Use of accounting records for older jobs can increase the job throughput rate compared with retaining old jobs in the memory of the slurmctld daemon.
古いジョブのアカウンティングレコードを使用すると、slurmctldデーモンのメモリに古いジョブを保持する場合と比較して、ジョブのスループット率を上げることができます。 - PriorityType:
The priority/builtin is considerably faster than other options, but
schedules jobs only on a First In First Out (FIFO) basis.
PriorityType:優先度/組み込みは他のオプションよりもかなり高速ですが、先入れ先出し(FIFO)ベースでのみジョブをスケジュールします。 - SchedulerParameters:
Many scheduling parameters are available.
- Setting option batch_sched_delay will control how long the
scheduling of batch jobs can be delayed.
This effects only batch jobs.
For example, if many jobs are submitted each second, the overhead of trying to schedule each one will adversely impact the rate at which jobs can be submitted.
The default value is 3 seconds.
デフォルト値は3秒です。 - Setting option defer will avoid attempting to schedule each job
individually at job submit time, but defer it until a later time when
scheduling multiple jobs simultaneously may be possible.
This option may improve system responsiveness when large numbers of jobs (many hundreds) are submitted at the same time, but it will delay the initiation time of individual jobs.
このオプションは、多数のジョブ(数百)が同時に送信された場合のシステムの応答性を向上させる可能性がありますが、個々のジョブの開始時間を遅らせます。 - sched_min_interval is yet another configuration parameter to control
how frequently the scheduling logic runs.
It can still be triggered on each job submit, job termination, or other state change which could permit a new job to be started.
However that triggering does not cause the scheduling logic to be started immediately, but only within the configured sched_interval.
For example, if sched_min_interval=2000000 (microseconds) and 100 jobs are submitted within a 2 second time window, then the scheduling logic will be executed one time rather than 100 times if sched_min_interval was set to 0 (no delay).
たとえば、sched_min_interval = 2000000(マイクロ秒)で100個のジョブが2秒の時間枠内に送信された場合、sched_min_intervalが0(遅延なし)に設定されていれば、スケジューリングロジックは100回ではなく1回実行されます。 - Besides controlling how frequently the scheduling logic is executed, the
default_queue_depth configuration parameter controls how many jobs are
considered to be started in each scheduler iteration.
The default value of default_queue_depth is 100 (jobs), which should be fine in most cases.
default_queue_depthのデフォルト値は100(ジョブ)です。これはほとんどの場合問題ありません。 - The sched/backfill plugin has relatively high overhead if used with
large numbers of job.
sched / backfillプラグインは、多数のジョブで使用される場合、比較的高いオーバーヘッドがあります。
Configuring bf_max_job_test to a modest size (say 100 jobs or less) and bf_interval to 30 seconds or more will limit the overhead of backfill scheduling (NOTE: the default values are fine for both of these parameters).
Other backfill options available for tuning backfill scheduling include bf_max_job_user, bf_resolution and bf_window.
See the slurm.conf man page for details.
詳細については、slurm.confのmanページを参照してください。 - A set of scheduling parameters currently used for running hundreds of jobs
per second on a sustained basis on one cluster follows.
Note that every environment is different and this set of parameters will not work well in every case, but it may serve as a good starting point.
すべての環境が異なり、このパラメーターのセットがすべての場合にうまく機能するとは限りませんが、それは良い出発点として役立つ可能性があることに注意してください。 - assoc_limit_continue
- batch_sched_delay=20
- bf_continue
- bf_interval=300
- bf_min_age_reserve=10800
- bf_resolution=600
- bf_yield_interval=1000000
- partition_job_depth=500
- sched_max_job_start=200
- sched_min_interval=2000000
- Setting option batch_sched_delay will control how long the
scheduling of batch jobs can be delayed.
- SchedulerType:
If most jobs are short lived then use of the sched/builtin plugin is
SchedulerType:ほとんどのジョブが短命である場合は、sched / builtinプラグインの使用をお勧めします。
This manages a queue of jobs on a First-In-First-Out (FIFO) basis and eliminates logic used to sort the queue by priority.
- SlurmctldPort:
It is desirable to configure the slurmctld daemon to accept incoming
messages on more than one port in order to avoid having incoming messages
discarded by the operating system due to exceeding the SOMAXCONN limit
described above.
Using between two and ten ports is suggested when large numbers of simultaneous requests are to be supported.
多数の同時リクエストをサポートする場合は、2〜10個のポートを使用することをお勧めします。 - PrologSlurmctld/EpilogSlurmctld:
Neither of these is recommended for a high throughput environment.
PrologSlurmctld / EpilogSlurmctld:これらのどちらも高スループット環境には推奨されません。
When they are enabled a separate slurmctld thread has to be created for every job start (or task for a job array).
Current architecture requires acquisition of a job write lock in every thread, which is a costly operation that severely limits scheduler throughput.
- SlurmctldDebug:
More detailed logging will decrease system throughput.
Set to 2 (log errors only) or 3 (general information logging).
Each increment in the logging level will increase the number of message by a factor of about 3.
ロギングレベルが増加するたびに、メッセージの数が約3倍に増加します。 - SlurmdDebug:
More detailed logging will decrease system throughput.
Set to 2 (log errors only) or 3 (general information logging).
Each increment in the logging level will increase the number of message by a factor of about 3.
ロギングレベルが増加するたびに、メッセージの数が約3倍に増加します。 - SlurmdLogFile:
Writing to local storage is recommended.
SlurmdLogFile:ローカルストレージへの書き込みをお勧めします。 - TaskPlugin:
Avoid using task/cgroup with the combination of ConstrainRAMSpace
it is slower than other alternatives.
TaskPlugin:他の選択肢よりも遅いConstrainRAMSpaceの組み合わせでtask / cgroupを使用することは避けてください。
On the same note task/affinity does not appear to add any measurable overhead.
Using task/affinity for affinity is advised in any case.
いずれの場合も、アフィニティにタスク/アフィニティを使用することをお勧めします。 - Other: Configure logging, accounting and other overhead to a minimum
appropriate for your environment.
SlurmDBD Configuration
Turning accounting off provides a minimal improvement in performance.
If using SlurmDBD increased speedup can be achieved by setting the CommitDelay
option in the slurmdbd.conf
You might also consider setting the 'Purge*' options in your
slurmdbd.conf to clear out old Data.
slurmdbd.confで「Purge *」オプションを設定して、古いデータを消去することも検討してください。
A Typical configuration would
look like this...
- PurgeEventAfter=12months
- PurgeJobAfter=12months
- PurgeResvAfter=2months
- PurgeStepAfter=2months
- PurgeSuspendAfter=1month
- PurgeTXNAfter=12months
- PurgeUsageAfter=12months
Last modified 5 December 2018